1.Preparation before class
2.Basic course

- 1.Music
- 2.RGB Light
- 3.Control Motor
- 1.Music
- 2.RGB Light
- 3.Control Motor
MakeCode Graphical
3.Moving control course

- 1.Move back and front
- 2.Pan left and right
- 3.Spin left and spin right
- 4.Oblique 45°movement
- 5.Square track
- 6.In situ drift
- 7.Large angle drift
- 8.Advanced control
- 1.Move back and front
- 2.Left and right
- 3.Spin left and spin right
- 4.Oblique 45°movement
- 5.Square track
- 6.In situ drift
- 7.Large angle drift
MakeCode Graphical
4.Remote control course

- 1.Android APP control
- 2.iOS APP control
- 3.micro:bit Handle control
- 1.micro:bit Handle control
MakeCode Graphical
5.Charging and Battery
6.Installation video
7.Contact us
8.APP Download
9.About wiring