0.Latest tutorials

1.Introduction to DOGZILLA
2.Hardware and assembly
3.Remote control course
4.Kinematics analysis theory
5.RPi system configuration
6.OpenCV basic course
7.DOGZILLA control course
8.Advanced course
- 8.1 Color recognition
- 8.2 Color tracking
- 8.3 Color recognition action group
- 8.4 Face detection
- 8.5 Face tracking
- 8.6 Watchdog
- 8.7 QR code identification
- 8.8 QR code recognition action group
- 8.9 Climb
- 8.10 Kick sports
- 8.11 Visual tracking
- 8.12 Visual tracking + crossing obstacle
- 8.13 Action learning
- 8.14 Teaching synchronous action