1.Remote control operation
2.Development environment
- 2.1 Download and write the system image
- 2.2 Start Raspberry Pi system image
- 2.3 Method of enter Raspberry Pi system
- 2.4 Remote transfer file
- 2.5 linux commands and vim editor
- 2.6 Raspberry Pi system backup
- 2.7 wiringPi library
- 2.8 How to connect WiFi
- 2.9 Serial port communicates with external devices
3.Experimental tutorial
- 1.Preparation before class
- 2. How to run a program in jupyter lab
- 1. Color_LED
- 2. advance
- 3. Car Run
- 4. ServoControlColor
- 5. KeyScanStart
- 6. infrared_avoid
- 7. infrared_follow
- 9. tracking
- 10. avoid_ultrasonic
- 11. servo_avoid_ultrasonic
- 12. Bluetooth_control
- 13. TCP_control
- 14. Servo_control
- 15-1. PS2 Handle Description
- 15-2. PS2_control
- 1.1 Introduction of OpenCV
- 1.2 OpenCV image read and display
- 1.3 OpenCV image write
- 1.5 OpenCV pixel operation
- 2.1 Picture Zoom
- 2.2 Picture Cut
- 2.3 Picture Shift
- 2.4 Picture Mirroring
- 2.5 Affine Map
- 2.6 Picture Rotation
- 2.7 Perspective Transformation
- 3.1 Histogram of color pictures
- 3.2 Histogram equalization
- 3.3 Image restoration
- 3.4 Brightness enhancement
- 3.5 Skin whitening
- 3.6 Gaussian mean filtering
- 3.7 Median filtering
- 4.1 KNN recognition of handwritten numbers
- 4.2 CNN recognition of handwritten numbers
- 4.3 SVM recognition of handwritten numbers
- 1. Drive camera
- 2.Color recognition
- 3.Color tracking
- 4. Tensorflow Object recognition
- 5. QR code recognition
- 6. QR code control car
- 7. Face Detection
- 8. Face tracking
Basic course
Opencv basic course
AI Visual course
4.Battery and charging
5.Commonly used Video
6.Installation video
Remote login control